Take a minute or two to write about your community . It can be long or short, and it helps us to seek understanding.

Community Needs

Putting West Hants First

To truly prioritize West Hants, we must first understand the unique needs of our diverse communities. Your voice matters, and I want to hear from you. What are the key issues that matter most to you?

Share your thoughts and help shape the future of our municipality.

Infrastructure Mapping

Is our infrastructure ready for the next 50 years? We need to ensure our roads, bridges, and public services are built to last. Think of it as future-proofing our community – because nobody wants to deal with potholes in 2074!

Quality Affordable Housing

What does it mean to work and live in West Hants when housing is limited? Let's create a community where everyone can find a home that fits their budget. After all, a happy home is the cornerstone of a thriving community.

Strategic Development for Service Centers

We have multiple service centers within the municipality. What's the plan to connect them and grow them sustainably? Let's map out a future where every service center is a hub of opportunity, well-connected and thriving.

Transportation to Larger Urban Centers

Getting around shouldn't be a hassle. We need reliable transportation options to larger urban centers so everyone can easily commute, visit, and explore. Let's make getting from A to B a breeze!

This is what I have been hearing:

Economic Development

Building with our small businesses is key. A hundred thriving small businesses are better than one mega company. Let's support our local entrepreneurs and create a vibrant, diverse economy that benefits everyone.

Lifecycles of Our Residents

Let's explore how to build a region that supports our residents throughout their lives. From young families to retirees, everyone should feel valued and have the resources they need. Our community should grow and evolve with its people, creating a nurturing environment for all stages of life.