Get Involved And Make Your Voice Heard

West Hants, we can do hard things.

Together, we can make a difference and build a brighter future in our region.

KJ’s Vision For West Hants

  • Infrastructure That Lasts

    We need to build sewers, drainage, roads, and transit connections to enable our growth. And we need services in localities to protect and preserve farm land in the country

  • Housing That Works

    Single-family, bungalows, duplexes, farms, and even apartments — we need healthy mix of housing options for all lifestyles and budgets

  • Growth From Within

    We have a proud, independent spirit in West Hants — we should harness that for our growth while we connect with the regions around us

Who is Kjeld Mizpah (KJ) — and why is he running for Mayor of West Hants?

Listening and Learning

  • Acknowledge that I don’t have all the answers.

  • Commit to listening to and learning from community members.

  • Value the rich expertise and insights present in our communities.

Diverse and Educational Community

  • Recognize West Hants as a hub of diverse educational backgrounds.

  • Advocate for real-time testing and innovation to create best practices together.

  • Explore how we can leverage a culture of localized investment to support community-based solutions to share the best approaches.

Inclusive Leadership

  • Strive to move beyond traditional labels like "townie," "county folk," "locals," or "come-from-aways."

  • Focus on fostering a unified and inclusive community spirit.

  • I will encourage a strong foundation for our regional municipality by merging community concerns with municipal staff efforts on a day-to-day basis.

Proactive and Understanding Leadership

  • Not just a friendly face but a proactive leader.

  • Dedicated to understanding your needs and working together to shape our region's future.

  • I'm actively committed to building a foundation that enables us to make affordable and proactive decisions for the future of West Hants.

Community-Driven Solutions

  • Believe in the strength and creativity of our community.

  • Aim to harness the diverse experiences and knowledge within our region.